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Conference Seating

Events & Community Involvement


IADSS has been very active within the data science community, presenting or organizing workshops at leading conferences, meet-ups and other community events. Each event is an opportunity to gather input to our methodology and research, create awareness on our standards work and learn from fellow data science professionals.


Below you can find some of our activity.


KDD 2022, August 16 – Data Science Standards – Hiring, Assessing and Upskilling Data Science Talent

IADSS hosted its second workshop on  2nd Workshop at KDD on Data Science Standards – What do you need to know as a Data Scientist? Training Data Scientists of the Future on August 24th 2020. We shared detailed findings from IADSS research on industry needs and skill-set requirements for data science professionals, discussed the various ways universities and training organizations are currently approaching data science education and explore how we improve effectiveness through industry and academia collaboration. 

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Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) San Diego 2020 IADSS Workshop

IADSS hosted its second workshop on  2nd Workshop at KDD on Data Science Standards – What do you need to know as a Data Scientist? Training Data Scientists of the Future on August 24th 2020. We shared detailed findings from IADSS research on industry needs and skill-set requirements for data science professionals, discussed the various ways universities and training organizations are currently approaching data science education and explore how we improve effectiveness through industry and academia collaboration. 

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Strata Data Conference New York 2019 Presentation

The latest insight into the research and extensive survey was shared publicly for the first time during Strata Data Conference New York 2019.


Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Anchorage IADSS Workshop

Our second workshop was organized at KDD Anchorage on August 5th, 2018 to share insights from the study and hear from industry leaders and academicians regarding the topic of data science & analytics professional standards. You can see details here:

KDD small research page.jpg

Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) Boston 2019 Keynote Speech

IADSS Co-founder Usama Fayyad gave a keynote speech at ODSC Boston on May 1st to discuss the professional standards in analytics and data science related roles in the industry.


ICDM Standards Workshop

A special workshop was being organized by IADSS at ICDM Singapore on November 17 - 20, 2018 to share the initial results of the study and hear from industry leaders and academicians regarding the topic of data science & analytics professional standards. You can see details here:

ICDM IEEE Singapore 2018 workshop

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) London Research Initial Results Presentation

IADSS co-founders Usama Fayyad and Hamit Hamutcu spoke at a special invitation panel during KDD London on August 19 - 23 to discuss the professional standards in analytics and data science related roles in the industry, along with global analytics leaders.

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) London Research

Predictive Analytics World London Research Initial Results Presentation

Initial results of the research study was shared at Predictive Analytics World Conference in London on October 17 - 18. The goal was to reach out to global analytics community, create awareness about the standards initiative and gather feedback. Please visit the event website for details.

Predictive Analytics World London research

smartcon Istanbul Research Initial Results Presentation

Initial results of the research study were shared at smartcon in Istanbul on October 2 - 3. The goal was to reach out to global analytics community, create awareness about the standards initiative and gather feedback. Please visit the event website for details.

Smartcon Istanbul

Predictive Analytics World Berlin Research Initial Results Presentation

Initial results of the research study were shared at Predictive Analytics World Conference in Berlin on November 13-14. The goal was to reach out to global analytics community, create awareness about the standards initiative and gather feedback. Please visit the event website for details.

Predictive Analytics World Berlin research

© 2020 by IADSS

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